They had an article in the Wall Street Journal the other day about food rationing during WWII and some of the nutty recipes (often literally) people came up with to accomodate the absence of beef.
I've read that during WW-II, the British cut their sausages with sawdust to make the meat go further.
So, if you're feeling like a jackass already and have to send an email to apologize for it to a dear sweet friend, you know what'll make you feel like the hugest jackiest of asses?
Having your friend write back to say he is glad you're alright because you weren't acting like yourself, and it's his fault anyway because he could tell something was wrong the other night and should have asked about it but instead went on about all his stuff and can you possibly forgive him?
Vintage Dudes! Just roast a frickin' chicken.
Ha! I'm going to start referring to any historical personage as Vintage Dude! or Vintage Chick!
Ha! I'm going to start referring to any historical personage as Vintage Dude! or Vintage Chick!
It's the Dinosaur Comicification of... stuff!
Vintage Dudes! Just roast a frickin' chicken.
I believe chickens were expensive back then. but I am lazy so umm, I'm not going to look it up.
Matt says he'd like to be a vegitarian. I'm not interested in restricting meat that much. However, on any given day I might cook anything rangeing from vegan to carnivore feast.
edited because lie and like are not interchangable
I believe chickens were expensive back then. but I am lazy so umm, I'm not going to look it up.
Yes, but not so expensive that presidents couldn't pass out chickens to everyone....
I believe chickens were expensive back then. but I am lazy so umm, I'm not going to look it up.
Nuh and Uh! Chicken was poor food. Any farm can have a bunch of chickens running around. My Mom never got to eat any pork - that was saved for her Dad's breakfast. (From the hog they slaughtered once a year and hung out to smoke).
DJ, when you next see this person, give him a hug and tell him you're glad to know him.
My DH realized that lamb meant baby sheep meat right before we went to NZ and he refused to eat it anymore, thereby limiting his already severely limited choices (no pork, shelfish, fish, etc.).
I, on the other hand, ate extremely well on that trip.
My DH realized that lamb meant baby sheep meat right before we went to NZ and he refused to eat it anymore,
Baby animals are so tender and delicious! They aren't hardend by life. They're not embittered. They're chubby and sweet tempered and beautifully marbled.
Sparky has just named one of the reasons I don't want to limit the food I eat- It can be very hard to travel.
the other reason is the food rut. Though I probbably have 10 or 15 no thought dinners - I am always trying to add variety to what we eat. partly for nutrtion, partly because I try to eat what is easily avalible ( tread less hard idea), and partliy because I like to cook and eat all kinds of things.