Sparky has just named one of the reasons I don't want to limit the food I eat- It can be very hard to travel.
the other reason is the food rut. Though I probbably have 10 or 15 no thought dinners - I am always trying to add variety to what we eat. partly for nutrtion, partly because I try to eat what is easily avalible ( tread less hard idea), and partliy because I like to cook and eat all kinds of things.
Baby animals are so tender and delicious! They aren't hardend by life. They're not embittered. They're chubby and sweet tempered and beautifully marbled.
The extra innocence adds to the flavor.
How shall we fuck off, O Lord?
I'm blanking on the rest of that, except Always Look On The Bright Side of Life.
With babies, it's the TOES!
I spent the whole vacation pointing to the flocks and saying, "So cute! So delicious!"
With babies, it's the TOES!
::hides Matilda's toes from JZ::
Why do you think I always put socks on her? Putting temptation as far away as possible.
DJ, when you next see this person, give him a hug and tell him you're glad to know him.
I almost never get to see him unless I'm in his city on business or he's in mine on business. In fact he has a layover in Dallas right about now. Don't think they'll let me leave work to go hug him though.
::Just realizes she may get to see Matilda toes::
Eeeeeeeeeee! San Francisco!!!!!!