I've just been asked to bid on a new project: to design a book cover for a POD 3 book series of study guides, design and build a website to sell the books and the author, and plan and implement a marketing campaign for it. It's a little scary. While I've done most of those things, I haven't done them all together at once and it's a little daunting. I'm excited about it, though.
Oy. Kara's teacher has been swamped. It's weird, thinking of a kindergarten teacher being swamped, but he has to do assessments of each of the children one on one, and write up grades and comments, and they all have to be posted by Monday evening.
Kara reads quite well now, especially when she can sound the words out, and they've been counting by 5s and 10s and learning about money. They were learning prepositions-on/off, in/out, under/over, beside/between -the other day. Kara can't tie yet. I have to work on that with her sometime today.
Dang, I'm chatty. This is what looming housework does to me.
Ok. What do we think about April 19-22? Also Mr. Jane will not make it since that's right around the time of the crawfish boil, so he has to work.
I've just been asked to bid on a new project: to design a book cover for a POD 3 book series of study guides, design and build a website to sell the books and the author, and plan and implement a marketing campaign for it. It's a little scary. While I've done most of those things, I haven't done them all together at once and it's a little daunting. I'm excited about it, though.
That sounds like something you would be fabulous at, Deena! Bid~ma.
Thanks, sj! I have to clean up my desk area first. I'm a weird sort of OCD. I have to clean and rearrange my work space before starting any new project. Of course, it degenerates into total chaos before the end, but at least I start out tidy.
waves hello to everyone, and sends healing ~ma to those who are sick
It's a quiet, rainy day, and I have the first disc of S1 of Supernatural. I am content.
Juliana: Are two bags enough, and do you want them tomorrow or Sunday?
Sure and sure! Thank you!
Huh. I put in bitters to cut the sweetness.
Sofia is so beyond sweet for me that bitters can't rescue it. I'll put bitters in most cheap sparkling wines. I did not put bitters in the '95 Dom, though.
"You know, she doesn't LOOK evil...."
BWAH! That's how they get you....
Ok. What do we think about April 19-22?
It sounds good for me....
I'm so angry that I'm about to turn into the Hulk.
The BDSM group that I'm a part of (but try not to talk about very much here at, b/c of privacy -- or the lack thereof) is run by many committees. And we all know committees are hell.
I'm on the PR committee, which encompasses all kinds of communications-related things. We have a newsletter, which I recently took over the layout of.
Our committee chairman, who was appointed by the president of the group, has no experience or skill in any communications-related area. I have no idea why he was appointed. But because he's the committee chairman, he gets to tell me that I am not allowed to *edit* poorly-written articles, because it "changes people's writing styles."
Dude, using commas instead of periods when making ellipses is NOT a style. It's flat-out wrong.
But that's not actually why I'm so violently angry right now. No.
As I said, I recently took over the newsletter, including designing a new layout from scratch. Which is this: [link]
Chairman sends me an e-mail today with a link to another group's newsletter, asking me if I could do a layout that's "more professional and flows well," like this group's newsletter: [link]
Question #1: You think my layout is "unprofessional" and doesn't flow well?!?
Question #2: You think that my layout is actually very different from the other newsletter that you showed me?!? (Hint: it's not.)
Question #3: On what planet do you think it's acceptable to pull shit like that?
Bonus question: Do you NOT think it's rude to show someone an example of the type of work they do and then ask if they can make their work look more like the one you showed them?!?
I would say that a miracle is going to have to happen for me to not quit the committee.
Fucking asshole. I do DAMN good work.
Tep, I'm sorry you put so much of your time and effort into creating a (clean, spare, totally professional) layout for such an unappreciative and frankly stupid asshead.
eta: Gah. The more I reread the idiotic and rude things he said, the more aggravated I get on your behalf. Fuck him. Quit the committee unless someone can give him a good cluesticking. This is supposed to be your fun, joyous thing -- you get enough stupid editing orders and irritation at work; you don't need to take on more for free in your spare time.
(clean, spare, totally professional) layout
I'm not just being egotistical, then? The layout I did is good? Or, at the very least, not unprofessional?