The layout I did is good? Or, at the very least, not unprofessional?
Totally! And a bit more businessy but otherwise not substantially different from the other newsletter. Except the other newsletter has a logo -- if that's what he wants, why couldn't he have just asked you to incorporate your logo in the header instead of being a tactless dick?
(Though personally I think the logo makes the other one look a bit less professional, but, whatev.)
It's certainly not unprofessional, Steph. It's very good.
I am betting that what he likes are the little "didos" as my mother calls them -- the vertical text on the right, the big colorful logo. Stupid things that he, being completely unprofessional and unaware of what exactly it is you do, thinks are actual differences.
I had someone complain about a website design I did. Turns out it's because I hadn't yet put the flash banner in and he was unhappy because it didn't have that pretty colored flash thingy in there. He didn't know how to say that though, so it was all ... it's not the look I want. There's something off about the color. blah blah blah.
edit, or, you know, what JZ said. And, whatever he was looking for, he A) Didn't tell you before you started and B) told you that you were WRONG and UNPROFESSIONAL and probably EVIL, instead of just letting you know what about the other one he liked and asking nicely if it could be incorporated and, since you're the professional, if not what was wrong with it?
I like yours better. It's easier to read and doesn't feel cluttered. Also the calendar section of the other one is too confusing. Yours definitely looks more like the newsletters I get at work.
And, whatever he was looking for, he A) Didn't tell you before you started
Nope. And he let me spend a hell of a lot of time coming up with this apparently shitty newsletter.
Except the other newsletter has a logo -- if that's what he wants, why couldn't he have just asked you to incorporate your logo in the header instead of being a tactless dick?
No one -- anywhere -- has a high-res version of our logo. Because, like I said -- chairman has NO experience in communications.
OY, Tep. What they all said. Ass him in the ear!!
Gah. Now Mr. Jane says he hasn't decided if he's going or not. Imma give him until 6:00 tomorrow evening, and then I'm booking.
What Juliana said, Steph!
YAY for DJ visitage.
do you want them tomorrow or Sunday?
Sure and sure! Thank you!
Juliana, I didn't mean that as a yes or no question-- should I bring them tonight, or tomorrow?
She's ALMOST big enough for it now!
Lee is confusing. She sucks.
Tomorrow is great, Lee.
ION, "Face The Promise" isn't on iTunes any more. Woe.
your newsletter is cleaner. And it doesn't actually scream readme to the person looking over your shoulder, which I think it a good thing. The onther one was similar, but a little flashier . and I have issues with clalanders that put more than time and date - more info should be elsewhere in the newsletter - so yours wins
I am not, and I do not.
I will even offer to send you face the promise, if you want.