The funniest co-worker comment was regarding Kara, after I told some classic Kara stories and then showed pictures: "You know, she doesn't LOOK evil...."
Kara does do the, "Who, me?" look quite well.
Phase one of cleaning up the apartment is done. Now I just have to shower and get out of here before the landlords show up to show the place, and then come home and do phase two of clean up and cook.
I'm in and out Kristin. Trying to get the house clean after being sick so long. It's a nightmare. What's up?
Hey Kristin, Deena....well, everyone. I slept in the recliner last night and I feel like crap.
Oh, Suzie, gentle hugs.
I stayed up waaaay too late and am certainly paying for it. It was fun, though. I read a fic Matt recommended. It was very long, slash, AU SGA, with really good character voices.
Oh ick, Suzi. I'm sorry.
Nothing's really up. I'm just awake and restless, and ND is still dead to the world.
You could always send me the tweaks you were talking about....
Deena, I know I need to do that. I'm sorry.
Oh no, don't be sorry! You've had a lot going on. I'm not pushing, I just worried a little that you'd forgotten where we are and might be expecting something from me, next. You get to do this at your own pace. Otherwise, it won't be any fun.
Okay. Yeah, I know the ball is in my court. I'm just in the middle of end-of-trimester grading and comment writing and am not likely to escape it until early March.