gives Jilli please don't parasol me to death wide, strained grin>
Hee! While it is true that I have specific boundries about how other people should behave toward my spouse (have I mentioned the whole
only child, not sharing, mine mine mine
thing?), I'm all for you people tormenting flirting with him. It amuses me lots and lots and lots.
I trained myself to stop caring after I rolled my eyes so hard at Aimee's antics, I actually saw the back of my skull.
I'm sure your lovely wife is quite skilled in the non-caring Olympics herself, Mr. Stripey Tights & Candy Bra Man.
No lease, just a renters agreement, which TCG has somewhere, but if we are paid up to a certain point in time, does that count for something?
most states will treat it as a month to month lease, but they must give you one "cycle"'s notice (i.e. if you pay each month, they must let you know a month in advance, if you pay every week, they have to let you know a week in advance, etc.). Also, they (or you) generally have to give notice at the beginning of a cycle, so that if you pay on Feb 15, then they have to wait until March 15 to give you notice, and then you have 30 days from there, so April 15. But, there are specifics and differences from state to state.
There are a LOT of ifs before oyu have to worry, sj. They have to want to buy it, they ahve to agree ona price, it has to pass inspection, they have to get financing and they have to have a closing. Even if ALL those things happen quick (which they never EVER do) Massachusetts has good tenant-protection laws, so you have at the very least a month's protection--probably MORE, as nothing will happen until next month, and you ahve 30 day's after that.
I'm sure your lovely wife is quite skilled in the non-caring Olympics herself, Mr. Stripey Tights & Candy Bra Man.
I'm all for you people tormenting ...
Hey! You can strikethrough all you want, missy, but I'm not so sure about this "I'm all for tormenting the Pete" lark!
Y'all DO realize that Peev's clothes are molded on like an action figure's, right? RIGHT????
Hey! You can strikethrough all you want, missy, but I'm not so sure about this "I'm all for tormenting the Pete" lark!
Was your marriage license not in Queen's English, therefore you missed that part? It's right under the "Jilli does not have to provide snacky-type foods while you shoot people in the head." clause.
Was your marriage license not in Queen's English, therefore you missed that part? It's right under the "Jilli does not have to provide snacky-type foods while you shoot people in the head." clause.
See, The Empress understands about these things.
Y'all DO realize that Peev's clothes are molded on like an action figure's, right? RIGHT????
Look, until David Bowie and Gerard Way magically appear out of one of my wardrobes, I'm not agreeing to this theory. IJS ...
Y'all DO realize that Peev's clothes are molded on like an action figure's, right? RIGHT????
Ah, right on time. I was expecting this response from Plei.
Y'know, my current state of attire would certainly disprove your theory.
Was your marriage license not in Queen's English, therefore you missed that part? It's right under the "Jilli does not have to provide snacky-type foods while you shoot people in the head." clause.
Hush you.