By this definition, she is quite unlike the Wife of Bath who had no such scruple.
Fine, then. Give her whatever title you like that goes with scruples, but I assure you that when your back is turned she can be quite the bawd. She has certainly tried to enjoy that kind of grown-up women bawdiness with me, and I think my cringing
No, you're my mommy! Stop it!
reaction is a mild disappointment to her. But she just indulges that side of herself with her friends and their daughters instead.
At least Chewie quite obviously had a brain in his furry head. I couldn't say the same for Hagrid.
Suddenly, I don't want to know what this says about me.
Is your husband large and hirsute?
Is your husband large and hirsute?
Um... I did tell him once that if he shaved his beard I would leave him.
I should add, though, he clearly has a brain. A nicely spicy one, too.
Give her whatever title you like
Ex-Wife of Mildly Naughty With Close Friends, But By No Means A Bawd.
Hagrid can die heroically in the last book if that's the plan. I'm down with his Noble Sacrifice.
Um... I did tell him once that if he shaved his beard I would leave him.
Remind me to give you notice when Bears are having their next shindig in the Castro.
Hey, I like Hagrid. He loves all the ugly animals no one else likes and is incredibly loyal. Despite his lack of smarts, I'd hang out in his cottage and have a cup of tea with him.
He loves all the ugly animals no one else likes and is incredibly loyal.
The animals which continually endanger everybody? Btw, he was a crap teacher too.
Despite his lack of smarts, I'd hang out in his cottage and have a cup of tea with him.
And DIE unless Harry saved you.
Not always, sometimes they save the day.