Well, I still don't know exactly what happened, but I have examined the pot. It's stainless steel and has a plate attached to the bottom somehow, and that has warped and separated. The burner it was on is covered in a fine ash.
Well, if the bottom plate separated from the rest of it, that means it will transfer heat very poorly to the pot, resulting in it overheating, producing the smoke and ash.
So, who knows what initially went wrong, but once it did, your pot was sent careening down a dark path of destruction. And, um, smoke.
Now there's a guy who keeps touching me unnecessarily. I already told him to back off once but he keeps doing it, albeit less frequently. Now today he was telling a terrible personal anecdote about something that happened to him in Taiwan. I could see where it was going and I asked him please not to finish telling it in front of me but he kept on going.
I just can't decide if it's worth calling him on it if he's going to turn into the guy who's constantly asking me if his behavior is acceptable.
Sweetie, this is sexual harassment. You (or someone above you) should fire his ass. Screw calling him on it, report the behavior. The other guy you were talking about? Totally different story from this asshole.
And if I ever meet him, I will punch him in the nose.
t protective
No, that tag doesn't close.
See? I'm so pissed off I'm stuttering.
I think I want to go as an Amy Brown fairy to the next Con.
Pete will disown you. If you want to go as a fairy, pick an artist who isn't quite so obviously ripping off inspired by other artists.
Or, to put it another way, find a fairy artist with an ounce of talent, and they'll still have an ounce more than Amy Brown.
I frikkin' hate her 8th grade fucking images. Absolutely talentless, pandering, creatively-bankrupt, gag-inducing, technically-flawed SHITE.
Yes, you may have spotted, I'm not a fan.
Her name is Amy!!
the only thing she's got going for her.
YMMV. Grr.
Well I wouldn't call it sexual but yes it's true that it's harassment if I ask him to stop and he doesn't. I don't know why I'm hesitant to take it to the next level. I suppose I could be up front with him and let him know that it's my next step.
yay! I'm not the only procrastinator in the room. Hmmm, maybe I should try the invite people over to motivate cleaning. I typically avoid inviting folks over cuz the place is so bad.
Laga, dude! Write him up. File a complaint. At least let it be known what he is doing is wrong. If he keeps going "is this offensive" reply with "if you have to ask, the answer is yes"
t stands with KristinT to defend Laga!
oh wanna know the best part? He's a scout leader.
That settles it. He's definitely a pervert.
Aimee, that sucks a lot. I'm sorry.
JZ and juliana, if you are inclined to cross the bridge, I'm having a Chocolate Party on Saturday night. Lots of Ghirardelli chocolate to eat, here.