Dinner is in a few hours. I will supply the hangers. Plastic, not wire.
What kind of beast, and does it mean I can leave work early?
The yummy cow kind. Please to come help me get this huge pile of clothes put away.
Oh, and there is wine as well. And likely clicky fire.
Stoopid different states thing.
Joe really needs to work on that teleporter. Aims, please to nag him.
Fine. When my coworkers ask why I'm leaving over an hour and a half early, I'm telling them it's because the people in the glowy box on my desk said I could so I could teleport to one of their homes for roast beast in exchange for completing tasks that they give me.
They will never speak to me again. Which makes this the perfect plan!
Six minutes until the delivery window for my groceries is up. Any bets on whether they'll make it?
(Or, more likely, they got to the building, saw that my name wasn't on the buzzer list, and left, even though in the "delivery instructions" bit I told them my name wasn't on the buzzer list, told them to call me when they got here, and left them two different numbers.)
Past seven. No groceries.
Anyone want to teleport me some dinner?
I'm not cooking veggie tonight or I would, Hil. Sorry about that. Feel like switching your beliefs all around and I will shove nummy food at you.
Bummer about the delivery not showing on time.
See if I could really get someone here for dinner and laundry help? I would also be forced to quickly vacuum and make the place presentable. It would be a win/win thing.
Matilda is fully napped and refreshed, and happily talking to herself in the bouncy seat right now. I've been drowsing and watching my Christmas present from Hec, a box set of the BBC series
The Pallisers
(beautifully cast and acted, but why why why do some of the Victorian ballgowns have obvious zippers up the back?) and sipping a cup of Earl Grey, and I feel just about human again. I'm cancelling my order from right now.
Lee, weekend swoopage may be possible (less urgently necessary than a couple of hours ago, but still always a good thing); let me poke around and check some stuff.
weekend swoopage may be possible
I am up for Saturday night slounging, as well.