Lorne: Take care of yourself and ah, make sure fluffy is getting enough love. Gunn: Did he have anything? Fred: No. And who's fluffy? Are you fluffy? Gunn: He called me fluffy? Fred: He said make sure…wait. You don't think he was referring to anything of mine that's fluffy, do you? Because that would just be inappropriate.

'Conviction (1)'

If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me

Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.

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DavidS - Apr 12, 2024 9:36:23 am PDT #5659 of 5664
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

There will be a memorial for Jacqueline Anne Zahas Smay

on Saturday, May 18th, from Noon to 4pm

at The Lodge on the 3rd Floor of the Regency Ballroom, 1290 Sutter Street (Corner of Sutter and Van Ness) San Francisco.  


Food and drink will be served.

In honor of Jacqueline, please come dressed in splendid colors with all your peacock finery, in your own inimitable style.

In remembrance of Jacqueline, you are invited (though certainly not required) to tell a brief story about her.  We are deprived of Jacqueline in our future but her past is a trove of stories, and I don't know them all!  And that is unacceptable. 

So share your tales of her as a child, in high school, at college, traipsing around Norwich, drinking in Greece, bawdy at the RenFaire, online, at work, or however you may have known her.

If you plan on attending, please RSVP me at Hecubot@gmail.com or whatever direct messaging (FB, Text) is our common communication.

I need this for the headcount for the caterer, so please include the number of guest(s) that will be attending, and whether you're deathly allergic to monkfish or actively trying to free your glutens.

smonster - May 07, 2024 9:06:19 am PDT #5660 of 5664
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

Will update more fully later, but for now please send all your job~ma with a side of salary bump and/or relocation assistance towards Chapel Hill, NC. I crushed the interview process and think it’s a great fit all the way around. Hope to hear by Friday.

DavidS - May 16, 2024 11:57:49 am PDT #5661 of 5664
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

For those of you traveling in and out of San Francisco this weekend, be apprised that Bay To Breakers is this weekend.

Here's Juliana's note:

"Just as a warning for those hanging out in SF on Sunday: it's Bay to Breakers, which is a wild 12K race that essentially cuts the city in half. Here's the route: [link]

David's old neighborhood gets hit particularly hard."

So if you are trying to get to the airport on Saturday your options for crossing the City will be limited, and you'll need to plan ahead, because there are only a few places where they allow cross traffic that intersects the route. You'll need extra time, and a discussion with your Uber driver or Cabbie.

DavidS - May 17, 2024 2:01:02 pm PDT #5662 of 5664
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Here is the link for Jacqueline's Memorial, 5/18/25, starting Noon PST.

It is a Livestream on YouTube:


It will reside on YouTube when the event is over so anybody can catch up to it as they need, no matter the time zone.

The event starts at Noon and runs until 4pm.

However, the first hour, as people arrive and eat and mingle, will just be a slide show of Jacqueline and the music playing at the event.

Starting at 1pm PST, people will begin sharing stories about Jacqueline and you'll see the feed.

beekaytee - Jun 08, 2024 10:07:05 am PDT #5663 of 5664
Compassionately intolerant

Greetings Buffistas! I made a video for y'all partly for my annual Best of DC campaign request, but mostly to say hey, and show my face, since I am around so little.

The link to the Video Message goes to Canva, and requires no log-in.

In it, I explain why this is the SECOND to the LAST time I will make this request and why it's important.

If you could take a quick 30 seconds to help a sporadic sister out, I would be grateful!

PS: Voting closes on Monday...because I am a procrasti-planner of the highest order!


EpicTangent - Jun 26, 2024 5:05:45 pm PDT #5664 of 5664
Why isn't everyone pelting me with JOY, dammit? - Zenkitty

Just got off a video visit with my oncologist. With the results of my last MRI, he wants to be a little more aggressive than previously planned. So I'll be starting infusion chemo again in a couple of weeks. A different variety that will go easier on my kidneys but probably cause me to lose my hair (priorities, I know). Chemo pills and/or the drug trial are both still on the table, but more as maintenance plans once we get it more under control. As much as I hate the idea, I am starting to have more pain, so I'm definitely ready to get things going.

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