Once again, the ~ma worked. It is nothing. Well, it's a fibroma, but that's pretty much nothing.
Thank you all.
'War Stories'
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Once again, the ~ma worked. It is nothing. Well, it's a fibroma, but that's pretty much nothing.
Thank you all.
I'm home! Two glorious weeks of vacation capped by horrific traffic in PA and NJ. Pictures will be uploaded after sleep and Mad Men.
Joe has an interview at 10:30am EST (7:30 board time). Please send lots of vibes, thoughts, and prayers!! Kthxbye!
So I got married a couple of days ago. In San Fran for a day then off to Napa for honeymooning.
It's pretty awesome.
More than ~ma needed...
I have a momfriend who has a sick kid similar to Grace. She sent this out and I'm passing the request on to you:
I have a small request. I entered a photo in a photo contest in hopes of winning. If I do win Ill be able to get my sons IPV machine fixed.. Basically its a fancy respiratory machine kind of like a nebulizer but much more powerful. It shoots bursts of air into his lungs to help clear them and help him breathe better.. Its broken. If I win I could get enough money to fix it. He really needs it fixed before the winter time (he would have to be admitted to the hospital in order to use theirs)
This is the link to the photo. You just have to vote for it and then confirm the vote
Please to vote if you don't mind: [link]
Quick public thank you: Shir, darling that she is, sent chocolates all the way from Israel just because she knows Drew and I had had a bit of a rough patch. We are SO appreciative. Plus, chocolate!
Could The Girl and I please have some house~ma? Today is the day we are meant to complete on our house. It seems doubtful that this will happen, because the whole process has been a mess of delays and problems. We are so desperate to start moving in so that I can start my PhD once we're settled! So house~ma for getting the process finished and getting the keys to the place really soon would be great. Thanks!
Grammar edit.
A while ago I asked for the ever powerful ~ma for my cousin, J, after her car wreak.
I got to see her today. She looked so much better than I expected. Yes, she has very little hair after the brain surgery, but the incision is healing fantastically and she has the kind of head that can carry the GI Jane look. She is in a neck brace for the next 11 weeks at least and a thumb brace for another month. That is it.
More healing~ma would be appreciated. She is so absolutely lucky that this is all that happened in that accident and she is working hard at her various therapies. But it is hard and tiring.
Please send health-ma this way. Drew went into the ER earlier tonight with some lingering pain, and it looks like they are going to admit him. His liver may be inflamed.