If there is any spare job~ma, I could use it to convince my bosses that I am worthy of a promotion?
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Cheers for the job-ma for WeeSisterJay, you people! In another demonstration of the Might of Buffista -ma, WeeSisterJay was offered two jobs!
If I could bogart a little of the let-it-be-nothing ~ma, that would be great. My mom is going in for a Carotid artery ultrasound on Tuesday due to some changes in her eyes that her eye doctor caught. Heart disease runs rampant in my family, and my mom is already on cholestral meds and trying to watch her weight, but she can't take blood thinners due to chronic ulcers. I'm a little scared, though I'm trying to tell myself it's nothing.
Ms Havisham and I are going to attend NYCC. If anyone else plans on attending, drop us a line and let's arrange a Buffista meet-up?
I'm heading into a pretty crazy evening and day of interviews. I'm in the final stages of the interviews and such for a professor position and just checked into my hotel. I've got dinner with the search committee in about 30 minutes, and then tomorrow I'm on campus in meetings and interviews from 7:30 AM to 10:00 PM. This is a great position and one I'd really like to get so I'm requesting the power of Buffista ~ma.
Posting for ND since he's going to be too pooped to post by the time he gets home: I just got off the phone with him. The interviews at UCI went really well, and he feels good about the experience and thinks he made a good impression. However, he has no idea when they will make a decision and get back to him...it could be a few days or a few months. Now we wait. While we wait, continued job~ma would be appreciated.
My next radio show is tomorrow night. The segment title is Let a Thousand Mollys Bloom (inaugural show was a tribute to Molly Ivins), and I'll be talking to some political activists who made the move from blogging to action.
Wish me luck, and if you want to call in and talk about Texas politics (yeah, right) or Molly or what's going on in the news, I hope you'll join us.
You can also download the archived show in the almost unconceivable instance you have something better to do, and help me count the "uhms" in my speaking-cuz I'm trying to break myself of that on the radio...
/shameless plug
Also, as my contract gig is ending Wed, and I don't know what I'm going to do for income next, a dollop or two of the job~ma would be much appreciated.
And a paying radio gig if there's one to spare...
I wrote up an account of my experiences filming the White Castle commercial. It starts wordily here, continues even more wordily here, and wraps up succinctly here.
I just sent out my applications for the graduate programs at York and Cardiff. I'd appreciate any -ma you might have to spare, because I'm really hoping for this!
Damn it. I have to take S to the ER again. She'll probably be in the hospital all weekend. Hopefully not any longer, but it's always difficult to tell.
All the ~ma you can spare please. Towards the LA area.