More religion in Natter --
I'm trying to think why someone would think hitching a donkey and an ox to the same plow would be a good idea.
You've got one ox, you've got one donkey, why not? It's worth a shot, anyway?
Note to self: when farming, do not take Jesse's advice.
note to self: don't farm
brenda m:
Now we know where those crop circles all come from.
More road to enlightenment in B'crxy
Ginger: New shorthand styles for Lightbulbs --
Tivo font: I watch shows after they're aired and don't want to be spoiled.
Spoiler whore font: What's the big deal about spoilers?
Willy nilly font: People should be able to open threads on their own.
Proliferation font: A thread for every show! A chicken in every pot!
Antiproliferation font: More threads = less community
Clarifying my position font: Hey, guys, that's not what I meant at all.
Clarifying someone else's position font: What she really meant was...
on atheism in Natter:
: A post on PZ's blog:
And this blog confirms what I have found in almost every atheist blog I've visited: atheists lose their moral foundation, when they jetison God, and eventually end up foul-mouthed, pornographic, hate-filled, humorless individuals.
Hey, I'm not humorless!
: Personally, I jettisoned God. And this dude left out "pedantic".
: If I wasn't so hate-filled and humorless, I'd tell you that was really funny.
: Three out of four ain't bad. Gimme a few years and I'm sure I'll jettison humour along with everything else.
: HA HA! You guys crack me up!
Shit! Does that mean I have to start going back to church now?
Sarameg speaks for so many of us:
I think my mental space at this moment can be summed up thusly: coworker walking by the door, talking about some random thing: "weebles wobble but they don't fall down." I call out "Unless I SMASH THEM."
Lost thread
Erin obscure:
And what was that
strapped to Keamy?
My only guess on the
device on Keamy is that, where it looked like it was near an artery, that maybe it was some bomb or a trigger for a bomb in case he died? Otherwise it seems that he expected the captain to fear his sporty iPod.
That should probably be spoiler fonted?
Not having any idea what that was talking about--that covers the spoilery point, right?
do things that happened last week have to be spoilerfonted?