on her upcoming Interesting Event:
I'm hoping for the kind of labor/delivery they have on sitcoms, where my water breaks and then after the commercial break I magically have a newborn which looks suspiciously like a 6-month-old. And in the meantime, someone's done my hair and makeup.
Oh! And on the baby songs, Blackbird was the first song I sang to Em. Yesterday was the one I sang during the middle of the night. And her newest favorites are Rainbow Connection, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Baby Mine.
I've gotten so sick of Baby Mine that I've started doing a Sid Vicious version.
I sing when alone, or in front of my husband and children. I tell them they have to deal with it. When the boys are misbehaving on trips DH and I sing classic rock, loud and with enthusiasm. It straightens them right out.
Topic!Cindy in Natter:
I want something with sass, which won't look like mom-hair, but won't look like nightclub-hair, either.
I need a hairy godmother.
In Natter:
: "It'd be neat if they could make an electronic keychain that would tell me what word I'm fumbling for at the press of a button."
Steph L.
: "Wouldn't that just be a keychain that says "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"?"
Cashmere in Natter
When I was 11, my mother called me up to my 17 year old brother's room and asked, "is that smell pot?" I replied, "No, Mom, that's incense. They used that to cover the smell of pot."
It was like a bad ABC After School special.
Does Ann Coulter have Wyoming residency?
I think she gets residency in any state she wants, as part of her deal with D'Hoffryn....
Hil R.:
We didn't have DARE in my school, but we did have Here's Looking At You 2000, a different program. In kindergarten through third grade or so, it was talks about how to say "no" and why addiction is bad. (Pretty much led all of us to believe that there were people out there handing out sheets of paper with little stars printed on them infused with drugs, and if we even touched it, we'd get addicted.) Also, the usual sort of stuff that induced any kid whose parents smoked cigarettes to go home and flush all the cigarettes down the toilet, and led all of us to insist that our parents couldn't drive after having one beer or one glass of wine with dinner.
There was also a parrot puppet named Miranda.
For the Rights or just coincidentally?
Hil R.:
I'm assuming coincidentally. Miranda was in the second grade program. I think in third grade we had a fox puppet, but we'd loved Miranda so much in second grade that none of us would pay any attention to the usurping fox, so he didn't get used too often.
In Boxed Set:
askye: There's a movie I know Jilli won't see -- Ice Spiders.
Jilli VoiceOfReason: ... the hell? Spiders made of ice? Giant prehistoric spiders trapped in icebergs, until Science! foolishly frees them? Spiders in a musical ice skating production?
I mean, you're right, I won't ever watch it, but I'm just trying to figure out what sort of plot a movie named Ice Spiders would have.
Good news: The universe keeps on expanding, creating more space.
Not fast enough.