I'm surprised no one posted this yet, so I must.
Cyanide is natural. Rats are natural. Salmonella is natural. Chasing down small animals, killing them with sticks and eating them raw is natural. Squatting in the woods is natural. Sneezing and dripping from allergies is natural. I like to think we've reached the Post-Natural Age.
Shrift in Natter:
I am saddened to discover that "corporate executions" don't mean the same thing in real estate as they do at Wolfram & Hart.
from bitches:
Aimée: I am having a Diet Coke and a cigarette.
connie neil: I see the diet Coke and approve, but I thought you had written a Dear John letter to the cigs.
Aimée: Fucker came back saying how much he loved me and needed me and wanted me. Effing Nic.
JZ: Look, maybe it's none of my business, but I'm fairly certain he's seeing hundreds of thousands of people behind your back, including my stinky and yellow-fingered downstairs neighbor. He'll take your money, leave you wrinkly and brown-toothed, and snicker about what a sucker you are while hanging around with his lawyers and corporate whores in his DC lobbyists' offices and other such low-rent dives. He's so not worthy of you. Kick his lying ass to the curb.
connie neil: Besides, he's not that into you. Yeah, Nic says he wants long-term relationships, but only if he's the one in control. He wants you to check in with him before you do anything, he wants to pick your friends, and he really hates it when you pay attention to anything other than him. I mean, really, even the French are getting tired of his games.
Topic!Cindy: We hung out a few times. He was really cool., You know - from an evil thing perspective.
Cashmere: I've had him, too. But I was seriously drunk.
AmyLiz: Damn, I'm seeing him right now. I thought he loved me!
Topic!Cindy: He loves us all, each in his own special way, Amy. I'm having him right now AIFG.
Jilli VoiceOfReason: I don't miss him. I miss Clove, his exotic cousin.
Robin: Also, he's freaking expensive.
amych: The real whores always are. (All those years I thought I was just picking him up casually, no real commitments, just some light social fun, and he was always with someone else? H-O-O-R, and I never even let myself see it.)
SuziQ: Seriously, what has Nic done for YOU, lately? Brought you flowers? Paid the bills? Given you sexual delights?
AmyLiz: Ain't it the truth. And for what? He cheats, he lies, he's bad for me...but he's always around for the afterglow, you know?
SuziQ: Kinda creepy - hanging out for the afterglow created by another guy (or gal).
AmyLiz: Not really. DH is into him, too. We've got a real nice threesome going on...
Okay, this is getting weird even for me.
[edited slighted for continuity]
Shrift in Natter and we don't need no stinkin' context:
Well, sharpen my shurikens, perhaps I've hit upon a new career.
we don't need no stinkin' context:
Y'gotta mouse in your pocket?
Corwood Industries:
The ENT physician I saw this morning made an unfortunate assumption about me after finding out that I'm from Alabama and work for the Legislature in this state. This led to his observations about how unfit women's brains are for anything other than raising children and how wonderful it is to be white and Southern and male. I wanted to point out that just being fat and having sideburns doesn't make me Toby Keith, but he kept sticking pointy metal things into my nose, so I was loathe to piss him off.
Steph L.:
Just how BAD does Santorum's opponent have to be, given that Santorum keeps getting re-elected? I'm picturing his opponent as an actual *goat,* or something.
Cindy solves all your problems in Natter:
# Threaten to stuff a scientist in his locker unless he lends you ten bucks
# Go get gas
# Go home
# Get glasses
# Get badge
# Code it all on your time sheet as "Professional Development; other"
Okay, which one of you has a working teleporter, and why aren't you sharing it with the rest of us. In the past two weeks at work, I have done double-takes because I could have sworn I saw MM, Sean, and DX. Today it was Cass.
Oh, that is so naive to thing someone's using a teleporter. It's much more likely that in the future, MM, Sean, and DX are traveling back in time just to confuse you.
Oh. Good point.
connie neil responds to Aimee getting a new kitten, in Bitches:
Now I have kitten cravings. Damn you, Empress! My biological clock is not supposed to be fuzzy!