I'd love to, but I have an assload of homework to do tonight.
In my day, we were allowed to use satchels.
Well, now. This *ISN'T* your day, is it?
Can you calculate something for me? How many Austrailian actuaries die from smart-ass disease?
disease, OTOH...
in MiniSpoilage, now with 33% less spoilers and 99% less context:
I hv no brane. s/SGA/SG-1. Ta.
tommyrot proves his brain is a scarey place:
Now I'm wondering how difficult it'd be to restage Triumph of the Will entirely with cats.
In Natter,
My parents will never get a link to my lj. Never, ever. God, no.
However, I did show my 80 year old dad how to use to find all those out of print books that he's been trying to get his hands on. And Dad was all, "Being forgetful's great! By the time these get here I won't have any idea why some stranger in Iowa's sending me used books. It'll be like a really confusing Christmas. Also, don't bookmark this thing if you want to have any inheritance left."
Perkins in
(context? we don't need no stinkin' context!)
WooHoo, it's just about shoot the cat, go back to sleep time.
At long last, I've passed an important gestational milestone... I've finally been the recipient of a series of completely inane remarks by a total stranger.
Getting onto the elevator just now. Older man smiles broadly at me and says, "Well, look at you! You must have swallowed a watermelon seed!"
"Um, yeah, looks like," I said, because I am reflexively polite and responsive to grandpa-aged men.
"Didn't your mother teach you that you have to spit them out?"
"Um, well, I know that now," I said lamely, while every woman in the elevator rolled her eyes and every other man tried to pretend he was on another elevator in another state.
"Ha-ha, when I was a little boy that's what my mother always told me would happen if I swallowed a watermelon seed!" [Please, God, shut me the fuck up before I say something awful about spitting vs. swallowing] "But I'm not such a little boy anymore, and I know it takes a little bit more than a watermelon seed to make that happen, ha-ha!" And he stared at me with an indescribable grandfatherly leer on his face as though I were supposed to say something in response to that.
Which I didn't. But I thought, "You are so right, sir -- actually, it was my husband's cock." And then for one horrible, frozen moment, the terrible conviction washed over me that in fact I had said it, out loud and all. Which, apparently not, as I'm here at my desk and not being fired and frogmarched off campus.
It was an interesting experience. I suppose I can look forward to more of them, and more inane, as I expand. Whee!
I have the capability of making penguin-shaped jello shots. I need to do that sometime.
amych in Bitches:
People, don't trust the marsupials. I know they're quirky and fascinating in evolutionary terms, but they're organized, and they're coming for you.
Great Write Way...
I do read a lot of children's and young adult books. I think of them and mysteries as the last bastions of the plot. It is possible that they are just the last bastions of plots I can follow, but I try not to think about that.