Debetesse, in Natter:
I've been having trouble getting my printer to feed. It kept going in on the right, but not the left. I checked the troubleshooting stuff at the epson site. I tried feeding paper through repeatedly. Eventually, I was tugging on a piece of paper to pull it through, and I see this silver corner. "Oh, shit," I think, "I've pulled something loose." But, well, now it's loose, and the paper's still stuck, so I pull it the rest of the way out. And, with the paper, the silver thing comes out. Only it's not a piece of the printer. It's a benadryl, in one of those bubble packs. Apparently, my printer was feeling congested.
Fay, on the good 'ship Jilli & Pete:
...our flag has a skull and crossbones and a nice top hat. Our ship is black, the sails are a delicate shade of pink, and everybody is wearing magnificent black leather boots and/or pointy footwear. Corsets and bloomers are very popular among the crew. We eschew grog in favour of nice cups of tea. We are arguably the most courteous pirates to be found on the high seas. I go under the name Dread Pirate Clovis, but in point of fact I am not the real Dread Pirate Clovis.
In Natter --
This morning I passed a Jeep that had the President and Vice President's approval ratings taped to the back window on a huge piece of posterboard.
Low-tech blog.
Fay, in Bitches:
I too am very fond of the phrase in flagrante delicto. Whereas the word cunnilingus always makes me think it should be an Irish airline with a bowmchickabowmbowm soundtrack on unending loop.
Wanna hear something scandalous? I forgot the papers I graded were on the bed.
Beth b:
DH is on codine (emergency root canal) and he is making me type "breasts can be described by a 4th order equation, 5th if yo include the movement (and who doesn't) " Now he is claiming that this was a college assignment.
Lestat! The Musical in Natter:
Tom Scola:
According to the NYT, "Lestat" is a "Musical sleeping pill".
Well, at least it's not a "Musical laxative."
Sophia Brooks:
I am not sure that my job should include hosing off naked male students.
That sounds more like a hobby.