In Buffy (spoilery):
Betsy: It's all about the connection, really.
Tragically, Jonathan was an S-Video in a world full of RJ45.
amych: sniff
erikaj: so, he couldn't connect?Poor Jonathan.
amych: Not without the right converter doohickey. Which you can probably get at Radio Shack, but who has time to stop there on your way to an apocalypse?
In Natter:
He might just be the dumbest man alive though.
If you can say that in a world with Keanu, I need cites.
amych and billytea, in Previously:
Also: "just a small change at the molecular level," or something to that effect. Which, if I remember my high school chemistry at all, can be a fairly major kind of change.
"Just a small change, just 2% or so of your genes. So the good news is, you're not a demon. On the down side, though, you may be a chimpanzee. It's still too early to tell."
Betsy, on heroes nonspecifically spoilerly in Buffy:
He lived a tool, he died a tool. And not even a Leatherman.
Madrigal in Buffy, unspoily:
Warren had a soul, Maggie Walsh had a soul, Faith had a soul, Gwen Post had a soul, Ethan had a soul, Ben had a soul, even Cordelia had a soul. It didn't stop any of them from doing their evil deeds, and had Cosmo declared exsanguination to the preferred diet plan of supermodels, Cordy probably would have been opening up the arteries of her classmates.
John H, Natter, in re not going to movies:
It's not healthy for a man with my diet and sedentary lifestyle to sit in a darkened room for ninety minutes wanting to kill strangers.
BHP in Buffy (non-spoilery)
Didn't Pmoon say it was actually either Klingon or Vulcan? In which case, stripping out the "my GOD this makeup itches" inflection would seriously distort the meaning.