( continues...)
writ eyou again, because I am a better person and have better things to do with my day than waste on somene LIKE YOU!"”
How eloquent. Are you genuinely under the impression that I, not you, have been the offensive party in this little conversation? I don’t recall using expletives in my response to your unsolicited attack, so your deduction that this exchange of emails shows you as “a better person” demonstrates crazy troll logic, in my book. Lady, you have had the effrontery to set yourself up as an arbiter of my fitness for my chosen profession, and you know absolutely nothing about me. By this point, however, you may have gathered that I’m quite a lot smarter than you, and that I am at home to Mr Punctuation and Mr Grammar. This might possibly indicate to you that I do have at least some qualifications for my position.
(Speaking of positions - if I should ever take up prostitution and become, in your charming vernacular, a “FUCKING WHORE”, then I dare say I should earn considerably more money for considerably less work than I receive at present, so being fired from my teaching position would be the last thing I’d be worried about.)
Sorry, perhaps that sentence was too long; I get the impression that you’re not exactly comfortable with the conditional tense.
Let me explain. No, it’s too complicated. Let me sum up. As a teacher I strive to help my students overcome their difficulties, and I try hard to model courtesy as well as kindness; when dealing with adults who purport to be my equals, however, I see no reason to use kid gloves.
Your extraordinarily ill-informed, ill-spelled and ill-mannered epistles have made you a laughing stock already. You embarrass yourself with every word you attempt to type.
You may rest assured, however, that I shall not humiliate you by letting the other people at the wedding know how painfully ignorant and small-minded you are. It can be our little secret.