Rainbow Brite would totally kick Strawberry Shortcake's ass.
Steph making my cry in Natter:
erin, aron, aaron
I pronouce it PEE-can, but my great-great-great aunt twice removed, whose name is Euphemia Phoernetta Acksalackaious, who came over on the boat from the Old Country and then settled in Alabama after a brief stint in Boston, pronounces it puh-KAHN, but only when she's using her fish fork to eat her Atkins-approved dinner, which she NEVER shares with her cats, who are the cutest widdle fluffballs EVAR.
But how does she feel about gerunds?
in Minearverse:
We really shouldn't mock the Scientologists so much.
I mean, does your religion have a forcefield?
Context dilutes the funny. shrift in Natter:
Damn. The juice did not render me blinvisible to the coworkers who made me attend a meeting this morning.
Bad juice. No biscuit.
Yikes. An oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico is now listing 20-30 degrees after the hurricane:
They are clients of ours - I wrote software that was used during the construction of this platform.
Was this the software that was supposed to keep the platform level?
Yeah, I think the function that I wrote that detects the resignation of a Supreme Court justice and then floods one of the ballast tanks was a bad idea.
And Polter-Cow delivers on the bad pun in F2F:
Gus: It is like being Catholic and buying a Papal Bull.
P-C: It's more like a PayPal Bull.