Hec: But my tongue remembered the incredibly addictive pink grapefruit with campari sorbet so that's what I got.
Betsy: My husband loves this so much he worked out his own recipe, and we always have it in the freezer.
JZ: Betsy, I know your husband doesn't actually believe in God, but every time I learn something new about him I become more and more convinced that this may well be because he is himself a god.
Editors exist for a reason, people.
To make the Baby Anne Rice cry?
Hec--on Jeff Meija's health saga, in Bitches:
Jeff that is such an epic tale, it deserves to be made into a movie starring Russell Crowe in the lead. As your kidney. Then he can die tragically and be replaced by a new kidney, as played by Orlando Bloom.
In Natter:
beth b.:
Really -- the most fun part of your taxes is the library. Unless the firemen work out in your local park.
The incredible
in Natter, commenting on a news report:
"We can only spray one poison at a time all over our crops! We wring our hands in despair!... But, wait! If we infuse our crops with essence of human liver, we can dump metric shitloads of poison all over them! We're brilliant!"