Hec, in Natter, on the subject of JZ's mom:
Her Mom won't just take her on a guilt trip, she'll take her on a Grand Tour of all the major cities of continental Guilt: St. Flagellation, Unworthiesburg, Olde Shame. The classics.
ita, in Natter on the naming of one's children after hurricanes:
I would totally consider naming my kid after a hurricane she was born during.
However, living in CA, I'll likely end up with kids named 5.3 and 4.2 instead.
, in Bitches:
I was just about to say "From your lips to God's ear, erika" and then I amended it to "From your fingertips to God's eye" and then I got all distracted by the thought of God lurking on b.org and supporting us in email and I completely lost track of what I was originally going to say, but I urge you to ponder the idea of God being a lurker who supports in email, as it's entertaining and leads to all kinds of interesting theological speculation.
Natter ...
I'm not quite awake, but I think I'm awake enough to handle calculus.
This is the difference between the math brain and my brain. Twenty pots of coffee wouldn't make me awake enough to handle calculus.
Twenty pots of methamphetamine wouldn't make me awake enough to handle calculus.
Me neither. But after I vibrated into another dimension, I probably wouldn't care about calculus.
edited because apparently I'm not awake enough to handle formatting
From the wilds of Natter:
Steph L. -- JZ! You were in my dream last night! You hugged me and told me you loved me. I can't remember what happened after that, but I'm really hoping you didn't run me through with a sword to prevent Acathla from sucking the world into hell.
In Natter:
Is everyone aware that Val Kilmer IS Moses?
For some unknown reason, I read "Val Kilmer" as "Keanu Reeves", and my brain went to a really dark, disturbing place.
"Dude! Let my people go! Whoa...are those frogs?"
cuz it made VW spit coffee:
vw bug: I had forgotten about all the different “types” of students in a class…especially one that is so interactive. There is the know-it-all, the interrupter, the hand-waver, the can’t-get-a-word-in-edgewise (that’s no one else can get a word in, not the other way around), the complainy bitch, the whiner, the one-who-really-does-have-good-ideas-but-talks-too-much, the soaks-it-all-in person, the observer (that’d be me), and the friendly face (my bud from last semester’s honors seminar).
Topic!Cindy: Hmmm. This sounds similar to the way things are somewhere else. The word won't come to me, though. Itiner...no, that's not it. Inter-mural. Nope. Iditarod? Nope. Um. Don't tell me. Don't tell me.
edit: dammit, this is what I get for trying to provide context.
shakes not-so-wee fist at Deena, but in a loving manner
In Bitches. Debet made me snerk.
Daniel Jensen:
"Then you wake up at the high school level and find out that the illiteracy level of our children are appalling." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 23, 2004
I often find that I wake up at the High School level. Sleepy, belligerent, and unable to process thoughts higher than the bottom level or two of Mazlow's Heirarchy of Needs.
As for the rest of it, all I can figure is that we have split-level illiteracy.
Don't worry, I'm going to sleep now. It won't get worse.
I wake up almost every morning at the high school level. Like right now, for example, when one of my junior...yes, junior, as in 16 years old...students has climbed under a table in the corner, pulled a recycling bin in front of him and started wailing, "She told me to curl up in the corner and diiiiiiiiie.....so here I am and I'm gonna cryyyyyyy..."
Did Mazlow have a stepstool to reach the bottom level? I may need it.