Puppycat keeps stealing my credit card from my desk and tries to run into the living room with it. Like she thinks she can order things out of catalogs or something. I keep reminding her that she Has No Thumbs. She keeps reminding me that she is very cute but really not all that bright.
1. Wolf packs are hierarchical, so there'll always be a wolf who's last on the totem pole. If they drove off the existing omega wolf, then whoever was second-last will just find themselves in last place. In a pack of two wolves, whichever one isn't the alpha will be the omega. By this logic, I will henceforth refer to the risen Christ as the Lone Wolf, as he is the alpha and the omega.
Polter-Cow brings us the Disney weather forecast, in Natter:
Rains like Gaston
Shatters panes like Gaston
No one shames all the South's hurricanes like Gaston
Nutty brings us a geography lesson, in Natter:
I am always a little unclear on why the collective world/map-writers respect some sensitive points of language and ignore others. Like, Cote d'Ivoire clearly kept insisting until everybody got it the way they wanted it, but the Germans gave up and said, Deutschland, Allemagne, Germany -- whatever! Just trade with us.
Our long-absent, much-missed Aimee, getting right back into the swing of things in
I would be very upset if my vibrator was also a food chopper. I would be more upset if I found out by accident.
Betsy, critiquing P-C's mad bachelor culinary skilz, yo, in
I mean, seriously, a dedicated pizza appliance that rotates the pizza under the heat source? That's one cat's-whisker short of the appliance that electrocutes your hot dogs for you.
Nutty in Natter, context be damned:
I need to shut up now or the karma gods will catch GWB in the oval office getting blown by someone named Nooty.
In Bitches:
Polter-Cow: I just re-read the Bill of Rights. Man, those were some good rights.
JohnSweden: Nostalgia for the old days when they existed?