in Bitches:
Knock, Knock
opens door to reveal two large men in black suits and dark sunglasses
"Uh....Hello? Are you guys with the government."
"No sir. We're from PBS. We've gotten reports you've been watching 'Nova' and not donating." The PBS goons speak with a relaxing english accent
" just watch FOX. Yeah, I'm a big fan of that millionarie Joe show and stuff."
"That's passe sir. You're coming with us." The PBS goons grab the hapless victim.
"No! No! What's going to happen to me?"
"Three straight weeks of Teletubbies, 27-7 sir. When we're done with you you'll never understand another episode of 'Nova'. You'll be watching FOX then."
VERY spoilery for Angel finale
"Senator found dead by axe murderer, surrounded by mounds of dust. Film at eleven."
Given that she was a W & H client we can expect Rush, Fox News and the current administration to demand an exhaustive (and civil liberties threatening) investigation.
Katerina Bee:
Dear NZ Customs,
Better think about giving us back our Gus, pronto. He's harmless, although a Weremonkey; but the zombies we'll send to Auckland in our name to initiate extraction proceedings are going to be problematical.
Love and Kisses, the Buffistas
Our billytea is just king of the comeback today.
The flirting with mechanics thing never works for me.
Hell, I can't even work out the mechanics of flirting.
Tommyrot and Polter-Cow in Natter:
So his pulse was weak, but rigor mortis had already started?
Well, you know Warhol. He was ahead of his time.
Preparations for the F2F evidently involve singing:
Steph L:
Okay, I'm edgy and twitchy (I hate hate HATE to fly) and having my annual pre-F2F freakout, to the tune of "Nobody Loves Me As Much As They Should (Which Is Well Beyond The Human Capacity For Love)."
See, but stuff like that makes you even more lovable than you already are!
I'm currently singing, "Holy Fucking Shit How'm I Going to Get Everything Done Tonight and I Wanna Watch the Angel Finale Again, Not Go To Some Stupid Meeting and Talk about Invasive Plants and WHY am I Still at Work When I Don't Have to Be?"
For the chorus I just bang my head on my desk.
Like so.
Context? We don't need no stinkin' context!
As far as I know, goat testicles are not useful in the treatment or prevention of allergies.