Preparations for the F2F evidently involve singing:
Steph L:
Okay, I'm edgy and twitchy (I hate hate HATE to fly) and having my annual pre-F2F freakout, to the tune of "Nobody Loves Me As Much As They Should (Which Is Well Beyond The Human Capacity For Love)."
See, but stuff like that makes you even more lovable than you already are!
I'm currently singing, "Holy Fucking Shit How'm I Going to Get Everything Done Tonight and I Wanna Watch the Angel Finale Again, Not Go To Some Stupid Meeting and Talk about Invasive Plants and WHY am I Still at Work When I Don't Have to Be?"
For the chorus I just bang my head on my desk.
Like so.
Context? We don't need no stinkin' context!
As far as I know, goat testicles are not useful in the treatment or prevention of allergies.
You could not be more wrong if you took out a special loan to buy more wrongheadedness.
I. Forgot. My. Clie. At. Home.
Did I remember to bring 5 outfits for Prom, in case I change my mind? Oh, yes. Did I remember to bring a backgammon board so that I can finally play a game or two with La Tep? Naturally! And extra shoes, and a Fairy Jasmine bath bomb, and a million other relatively trivial items? Of course!
But my PDA, which I carry with me every day, and has loads of vital and otherwise useful information? No, that's sitting in its cradle on my desk. My desk at home. Where I am not. I half expect to come home on Sunday and find my brain lying there next to it.
Connie in Angel Quotables:
Who needs memories when we've got Nilly?
ita in Natter, on the limitations of Michael Vartan's range:
I like Vaughn's anger okay, but not when he tries to play it quiet and sneaky and cold. Then he just looks normal, but maybe with an itchy butt he knows he can't scratch until he gets more privacy.
Liese S, in B...
that thing no one can spell:
We are bonded by a common love of a particular mode of expression by a particular set of expressors. Also by duct tape.
MFNlaw in F2F:
To hell with the lurkers supporting me in email; I rather prefer the lurkers supporting me at the F2F.
A newbie discovers HSQ in
What no one mentioned was the moment Angel said, "Can you figure out the one word in there you shouldn't have said?"
And my brain quickly went through the sentence, and then I shouted, "OH MY FUCKING GOD!"
I like it when shows make me shout, "OH MY FUCKING GOD!"