Actually, billytea, I'm with you on that one. My objections weren't so much religious as not making people uncomfortable around me--and besides, if you cheapen the words by using them every day, you don't get a chance to really shock people when you use them to make a point! When I curse, people know I'm really serious.
That doesn't mean I don't watch the Sopranos, et al. I just dislike cursing when a writer takes the easy way out with the shock value of the words themselves rather than writing them into a well-thought-out speech.
Snarkage flies faster than rumors about the premiere in Firefly:
Billytea: Is Minear doing reality television now?
Sue: Now that's reality TV I'd watch!
Dani: Think of the all the legal waivers, though.
"I understand that I may lose appendages up to and including legs/be locked in a coffin and submerged in the ocean indefinitely/be beheaded.
Resurrection is purely optional and at the discretion of the producers.
Signature (in blood please)"
Just FTR, the above conversation began with:
Gud: I think the real competition is can a Sci-Fi show pull in bigger ratings than an inexpensive new reality show where, I dunno, four attractive people and a couple of goats are locked in a bagel shop.
Sue: I say the goats are the only ones to come out alive, but scarred.
Also, an update (though nobody asked for one) on yesterday's licking posts:
When the gentleman in question found out that I'd been talking online about licking people, he actually wanted to know whom I'd been licking. I said, "Uh, you. Who else would I lick?" And it turned out that he has no recollection whatsoever of being licked. He was so overwhelmed by the flirty flirtiness of my approach that the actual licking slid right under his radar; his exact words were "With all that flirting, you could've stepped on my toes and gotten the same response from me," thereby conclusively proving that licking is not only an effective seduction technique, but one which induces total amnesia in the lick-ee. I can hardly wait to put this new power to corrupt and evil use.
I'll try to have a full report on the effectiveness and memorability of the toe-stomping method of seduction by next week.
Shrift: "Clark, I want to suck your pie," Lex said, his voice low.
Jacqueline: Slowly, dizzily, Clark slid his pie into Lex's picnic.