Jars, in and re: Firefly:
I, too, heart Sci-Fi, but by repeating the last week's episode, they're putting the new episode up against Alias on Sky.
Damn them, making me choose! It's like Sophie's Choice. If Sophie could have had one of her friends tape a child for her. So, not very like Sophie's choice at all then.
The Green Eyed Monster rears its ugly head in
I'm jealous that the Brits have new Firefly. I'd like them warned, suspended, and banned, please.
Brits. The Other Canadians.
Erin G:
My cat lost a fang about a month ago, and it's given his mouth a lopsided, sardonic look. I feel like he's mocking me more than ever now.
discussing the randomness that was Nightcrawler's reaction to Storm:
See, now I'm flashing back to Nightcrawler's "so much anger!" to Storm and thinking it would have been funny if each person in that plane had a different extreme impression of her emotional state.
ROGUE: There, there, Storm, don't cry. It'll be all right.
BOBBY: If these guys scare you that much, we must really be in trouble!
JEAN GREY: This is no laughing matter, Ororo.
WOLVERINE: I'm flattered, and it's a tempting thought, but you know my heart belongs to Red there.
Madrigal, on the relative intelligence of Rogue in the first
"Hmm, how should I wake up a large man with obvious PTSD and the ability to shoot claws from his hands from his nightmare? Whatever I do, I should stand as close as possible, and not think of something like switching on the lights." It's like she's got some dominant schmuck bait gene.
MiracleMan, on the difficulties of meeting up with Buffistas you haven't met before:
I suppose we could just use a modified version of the old "Marco Polo" game...
MM/Aimee: "Buffista!"
NoiseDesign/Aurelia: "PORN!"
MiracleMan discussing how to find unknown buffistas in a crowded place.
I suppose we could just use a modified version of the old "Marco Polo" game...
MM/Aimee: "Buffista!"
NoiseDesign/Aurelia: "PORN!"
x-post...and a disturbingly alike x-post.
Oh, and SLUT!
Pete, the Husband of Reason in Bitches:
Oh yes! Oh yes! Bwahhhahahahaaa!
Eh-hem. Sorry, odd slip in the usual calm British exterior there. Rather a spot of fortuitous timing though, what?