In Quotable Buffy (spoilery):
Me, quoting the episode:
Dawn: I don't leave crossbows around all willy-nilly, at least not since that time with Miss Kitty Fantastico...
Lady O' Spain:
That's what she said? Oh, that's so much better than what I thought I heard...something about "...since I nicked your testicle." I was wondering why Xander took it so well...
edited to line up font tags to protect compliant browser-users
Damn, any time anyone calls me a sex-god, all the women do is giggle...
le sigh.
DX, on information and belief, I didn't think you were a
superman of instant sexual gratification. But I may be wrong.
and I didn't need wit or cleverness, just crappy hearing
Steph L:
That music is manipulative! Damn it!
le sigh.
Shawn, I knew what you meant. I was self-deprecating. Sorry.
ZeusGirl, in a spoilery recap of tonight's Buffy:
"Where was I? Oh, yes, Spike, you are my everything. I love you more than . . . wait, Spike, hold that pose. Hi, Angel. Oh, yes, Angel, you are my everything. I love you more than . . ."
Angus G in Movies:
A biscotti maker? Isn't that called an oven?