Susan W:
Any sentence that starts out with "The Texas Rangers entered a neonatal unit" should finish with a heartwarming tale of baseball players encouraging people during a tough time, not with law enforcement trying to track down representatives with dissenting views.
I have to be honest; any sentence that begins with "The Texas Rangers entered a neonatal unit" has already pretty much exceeded my sentential expectations.
Betsy beat me to it in mere seconds.
Can't. Breathe. Too. Funny. (in natter)
Steph L. - Hec, there are these nifty things called "books"....
DavidS - Pfft. Books are for wimps. People that can't handle the brilliance of pixels searing into their retinas. I despise the people who read and the ones who write? Even worse. Why...Oops, forgot I was a writer there for a second.
sharpening Excalibraxe
and staring unblinkingly at Hec)
That's kinda spoilesque, deb...
From Natter, the joys of x-posting:
Wolfram: Animal Planet's doing email solicitations?
Dana: No, the F2F is two weeks away.
Whoa - thanks on the whitefont, because I thought I had. I'm having to use IE instead of Netscape and it seems to be a bit hinky on the HTML functions....
Megan E, talking about other shows over in Buffy:
I haven't been feeling the 24 love this year because I find it totally unbelieveable that so much crappy stuff could happen to one person in a 24 hour period, yet his bladder and bowel seem to be completely intact, despite him never going to the toilet once. And yet, I'm still watching.