Discussing Regency social mores in Natter--
Well, there was dancing, taking his arm, and being handed up into a carriage
I'm trying to catch up in every thread, skimming fast, and I read that as "handed up into carnage."
As long as he keeps his gloves on.
Nitpick--not Edwardian. Regency.
No problem. Everyone has Edwardian on the brain after Manor House, I think.
Natter 11:
Kat: MAN! I want enchanted soot to clean my house!!
Natter 11:
Dana: I hate packing, but I love putting stuff away. Is anyone else like this, or am I some kind of freak?
DX: away putting freak...
Dana: Oh, sure, talk about wearing a rubber chicken on your head, you get all sorts of validation. Putting things away, though, that's deviant.
Aimee: Then this a good lesson for you, Dana. When putting things away, wear a rubber chicken.
Nora D: AI will be FG.
Natter 11:
Theresa W, participating during the celebrity sighting/ celebrity meeting smackdown between Rio and ita:
I saw Tom Wopat once. From very far away. I also saw Ross Perot at one of the many Capitol Hill cafeterias. He asked me where the sporks were.
ita: What is Anne Rice without gothic clichés?
Betsy: Much, much shorter?