COMM-ing for Kat, who lacks bandwidth:
Aimee:Quilters question: If I were to take my quarters to a fabric store, would they use their cutting table for me to make my squares?
erinaceous:Aimee, they will not. And they will be grumpy if you ask them. Because they are horribly underpaid, are mistreated by management, and have not yet recovered from the panic that is Halloween costume season. YFSMV.
, in UnAmerican (who needs context):
Damn, I missed the rutabaga discussion.
And how to you mock a duck anyway?
"Go ferson a person!"
Noumenon, in (of all places) Unamerican:
"Quorn" sounds like a meat substitute for corn. For carnivores.
In Unamericans (it's the place to be these days :) ):
My grandpa used to mix his turnips and mashed potatoes. I felt it was an insult to both.
My mom did that. Still didn't mask the fact that there were frelling turnips in the potatoes.
In Bitchy fic, PMM writes the one-word drabble:
Spike at the End of the World, the Last Man Standing.
ita analyzes 4.17,
Inside Out
and decodes the secret to world domination...
I like Connor fucking up too. I imagine if you take an isolated (and alienated) teen and use the word "special" a lot (without referring to the Olympics) and put out?
Anyfucking thing you want? It's yours.
ita's inadvertantly leaking her own future plans again, I see...
The thing is, with that sort of plan, she has a real shot.
in Angel (nonspoilery)
Aww, now I feel all warm and eviscerated.