ita analyzes 4.17,
Inside Out
and decodes the secret to world domination...
I like Connor fucking up too. I imagine if you take an isolated (and alienated) teen and use the word "special" a lot (without referring to the Olympics) and put out?
Anyfucking thing you want? It's yours.
ita's inadvertantly leaking her own future plans again, I see...
The thing is, with that sort of plan, she has a real shot.
in Angel (nonspoilery)
Aww, now I feel all warm and eviscerated.
In Angel: (not spoilery -- it's about a typo]
MadrigalEvli sounds like the kind of evil you'd buy at Ikea - like one of those giant death rays that you have to put together yourself at home and then end up with a crystal of polka evisceration left over and having to hold the back end together with duct tape because they didn't give you enough screws.
amyth: "The Evli Ray: in Seafoam, Buttercream and Eggshell--for Spring!"
In Bitchy Fic, Deena discovers feedback:
God, you guys are like smoking crack.
Welcome to the world of fanfic.
(Very much 'it's funny 'cos it's true'.)
From PF Natter Thread:
Caroma: I hope we're back up on WX before the new Buffy on Tuesday.
t still trying to navigate around Peoplesforum. FAQ?! Read the FAQ?! I don't need no stinking faq, I've been driving on the Internet for seven years!
t accidentally subscribes to Monster Truck, Gay Iowans, and Curling forums
Yep, I'm just fine.
Theodosia: Watch out for the curlers -- meara only got her cast off today. They may be looking for more victims!
Susan O.: It's a vast Canadian curling conspiracy!
Caroma: Where am I and what the hell am I doing with this broom?
Theodosia: Sweep for your life!!!