Why, I remember when people beat the shit out of eachother without any assistance! Back in the day, it was none of this wire-this and fly-around-in-circles-that! We had stuntpeople and camera tricks, and that was all! And if we needed a guy to kill ten baddies at once, why, we gave him a baseball bat and told the baddies to come at him one at a time.
You youngsters. Don't undertsnad the value of a good baseball bat.
In Movies:
Amber B.:I'm sorry, I must be drunk. Did Eminem really just win an Academy Award?
And I'm not sure who said this, but it made me giggle:
Aw, Ling Mao, finding a Hollywood insider against the war is like finding a confused teenager.
Why I'm Fay's Minion reason #37, in Bitches:
Love the story about Crazy Bag Lady. Of course, I'm of the opinion that anyone who would pay three figures(or more) for a bag is insane. For three or more figures, the bag would have to carry itself. And laugh at my jokes. And cook me breakfast. And give great head...IJS.
Gus, my new favourite Buffista, or at least my favourite new Buffista:
An utterly humor-free bureaucratic functionary (think "Willy Loman", without the bouncy personality) came to the lab today to inspect an x-ray spectrometer. He was with the Wisconsin Radiological Oversight Department (WROD). The acronym was printed across the front of his cap.
He came and stood in front of me to drone out his findings. I found that I could not take my eyes off the cap. I was transfixed by the cognitive dissonance, the sheer mustnotlaugh-mustnotlaugh mantra-ness of it all.
Dude, we're the Buffistas. We invented redundant.
Bears repeating.
If I recall and remember correctly, we also created it.
This is what I'm saying.
connie neil in bitches re: teppy's back surgery:
the 6 Million Dollar Steph
"We can rebuild her, better, faster, pornier ..."