I was trying to imagine where I'd be if I stayed the course, and can't imagine. Possibly still in San Francisco, but that's the only plus I can come up with. Of course, I can't imagine what I would be doing if I had waited, and things turned out pretty well, so I guess it all evens out eventually.
Yeah. I generally feel that the whole 'what if I'd done XXX instead?' is one of those "That way lies madness" moments.
Er. Edit: 'XXX' up there is just being used to mark a variable. I wouldn't want anyone thinking that becoming an actuary meant closing the door on a possibly lucrative and fulfilling career in porn. Or being Vin Diesel, shouting at terrorists or otherwise.
Edit again: On the grounds that there really were no offers on the table, not because it's perfectly possible to combine a career in financial services with ambitions in the erotic video industry. Though for all I know it is.
Edit 3: Not that I was seeking offers, you understand, it's just--
Damn. Well, I guess at least it's clear why I didn't date seriously until I was twenty.
Oh, incidentally - you haven't seen a white person until you've witnessed me singing along to Missy Elliot whilst driving. "This is for my people/My motherfucking people/ This is for my people/ My ecstacy people/ Come on/ Yeah.....mumble mumble rhubarb rhubarb... Bitch! Ho!........mumble mumble...rhubarb people! Yeah! Come on!" etc etc.
I will totally whitegirl mangle Missy Elliott with you any time. You should hear me rap "Ladies First." I do both the Queen Latifah and Monie Love parts. It makes me looks at once like someone overly white, spastic and suffering from a multiple personality disorder.
Beckettising Voting Discussion:
You gave me a fright.
I thought it was three.
Godot. No. Monkey.
Pah! The wind in the reeds. 'Twas six.
I could have sworn I heard shouts.
And why would three shout?
At his horse.
(violently). I'm hungry!
Daniel C. Jensen in Natter:
News Item: Former VP Al Gore has joined the board of Apple Computer.
I didn't realize they were interested in robotics.
[editorial: If I didn't have quick lips, this would have literally been COMM. I'd just taken a sip.]
Context? Bah.
Steph L.: I don't mind public feedback, as long as the phrase "illiterate git" is used sparingly....
Cindy on religion in Natter:
If there aren't cookies, it isn't a holiday, even if it pretends to be. The best a non-cookie "holiday" can hope to be is a day off.