From Lightbulbs:
TomW: That's the problem. You let monkeys onto the ballot and suddenly everybody goes monkey-crazy!
Oh, they're so cute! Oh, they're so helpful! Oh, they're so funny!
Before you know it, the board has been renamed "Monkey", all the threads are called "Monkey", everybody has to post under Monkey-related names, like "Monkey-Luvva" and we're only allowed to discuss Mutant Enemy shows that have monkeys in them.
Well, I say that monkeys are just a bunch of poop flinging trouble makers.
amyth: Your monkey hate makes Joss cry.
Natter X:
NoiseDesign: So how bad do you folks think LAX is going to be tomorrow? I fly first thing and have to take a bunch of electronics with me. I'm thinking of travelling naked...less to search...
Sean K: I have frequently considered this option when travelling through LAX.
Trudy Booth:
t Trudy starts hanging out at LAX
NoiseDesign: It would be fun to see the look on security's face...hell...last time they damn near had me strip down anyway.
Trudy Booth:
Trudy sighs... the best she ever gets at LaGuardia is a quick cab
Sue, in Spoilers, but not spoilery:
Spike now has the soul of the Master Thespian.