I remember hearing a funeral director's spiel about why embalming the "loved one" and putting the remains in a vacuum sealed, climate controlled vault in a memorial wall/mausoleum gave greater comfort to the family than seeing said remains placed into a less expensive casket and lowered into the cold, cold ground. Me, I would be somewhat more horrified by the idea of Granny spending eternity immured in some 1970's crap contemporary architecture. The whole setup was like the Cask of Amontillado with Muzak hymns and plushy carpeting.
I think that was Empress Aimee, not that Anne is not a total hoot, but I remember cause it was my freeze-dried grandfather under discussion.Thanks, Kat.
From Lightbulbs:
TomW: That's the problem. You let monkeys onto the ballot and suddenly everybody goes monkey-crazy!
Oh, they're so cute! Oh, they're so helpful! Oh, they're so funny!
Before you know it, the board has been renamed "Monkey", all the threads are called "Monkey", everybody has to post under Monkey-related names, like "Monkey-Luvva" and we're only allowed to discuss Mutant Enemy shows that have monkeys in them.
Well, I say that monkeys are just a bunch of poop flinging trouble makers.
amyth: Your monkey hate makes Joss cry.