Because it's true:
Liese S. in BBB:
Ooh. You're the best.
I have a very serious complaint about this board and it's architects. It has made the rest of the internet unsuitable. I grow impatient as the other bloated sites load. I scoff at their poor design and unintuitive navigation. I mock the lack of depth in their content.
It's a big problem. Your efficiency is making their normalcy unacceptable.
The Bug in Natter.
Random musings from vw's day:
- The harder you try to explain the use of the word “blinvisible” to your psychiatrist, the harder you dig yourself into a crazy hole.
Kat in Natter, not because it's funny, but because it's so beautifully put:
I've been thinking about all these childhood memories because I'm teaching poetry. Today I talked about where poems hide and I had kids list out place in their lives where poems hide.
Where my poems hide:
- in the soft or crisp pages of a new journal too beautiful for me to write in.
- in that subaquaeous moment right before I'm fully awake
- in my crumb filled keyboard, where the keys B, M, and N have almost been worn clean.
- in my backpack, filled to overflowing with ungraded papers, love notes not sent to me, computer disks and bags of pens
- in my running shoes, especially the old pair, splattered with dried gu and worn down to a shine.
- in the photos and postcards and comic strips that are collaged on my fridge.
- in the magazines collecting dust by the side of my bed.
- in the smell a brand new article of clothing - it's new chance smell
- in the smile of my dog before she barks in my ear
- in the curl of the body I cuddle up to before I go to sleep
- in the tottering stack of books that stand like sentinels all around the room.
- in the ax handle of the ax in my dad's garage.
- in the hum of the old sewing machine in my mom's basement
- in the tarnished cheerleading medal form 1980 on the broken chain
blah blah blah.
It's like a poem all by itself (in the thread that started with poetry, too).
Kat, in Light Bulb, doing a double:
Freedom comes with responsibity. And I'm not just saying that because I have a Spider-Man phone.
in Natter:
David J. Schwartz: But look at anything every day for weeks on end and you can convince yourself that you must have it.
Aimee: This was what MM and I had printed on our wedding napkins.
(can anyone make the accent for Aimee? I can't...(edit: even after trying to do what DX said! i'm a html failure!)
(going crazy with the COMMing, I am...maybe I"m in an easily amused mood?)
In the Voting thread, on methods of picking 3 vs. 6 months (can you guess who favors which?:)
Gandalfe: There won't be any averaging involved, so vote your conscience. Which, if your conscience is any good, will be 3.
DavidS: Thank god I stuffed my conscience in a trunk months ago. Six months ago.
billytea: ...well, strictly I'll still just be voting '6', but I'll be doing so in a deep, Satanic voice, and be voting for "6, MORTAL!!" or something like that.