Kat in Natter, not because it's funny, but because it's so beautifully put:
I've been thinking about all these childhood memories because I'm teaching poetry. Today I talked about where poems hide and I had kids list out place in their lives where poems hide.
Where my poems hide:
- in the soft or crisp pages of a new journal too beautiful for me to write in.
- in that subaquaeous moment right before I'm fully awake
- in my crumb filled keyboard, where the keys B, M, and N have almost been worn clean.
- in my backpack, filled to overflowing with ungraded papers, love notes not sent to me, computer disks and bags of pens
- in my running shoes, especially the old pair, splattered with dried gu and worn down to a shine.
- in the photos and postcards and comic strips that are collaged on my fridge.
- in the magazines collecting dust by the side of my bed.
- in the smell a brand new article of clothing - it's new chance smell
- in the smile of my dog before she barks in my ear
- in the curl of the body I cuddle up to before I go to sleep
- in the tottering stack of books that stand like sentinels all around the room.
- in the ax handle of the ax in my dad's garage.
- in the hum of the old sewing machine in my mom's basement
- in the tarnished cheerleading medal form 1980 on the broken chain
blah blah blah.
It's like a poem all by itself (in the thread that started with poetry, too).
Kat, in Light Bulb, doing a double:
Freedom comes with responsibity. And I'm not just saying that because I have a Spider-Man phone.
in Natter:
David J. Schwartz: But look at anything every day for weeks on end and you can convince yourself that you must have it.
Aimee: This was what MM and I had printed on our wedding napkins.
(can anyone make the accent for Aimee? I can't...(edit: even after trying to do what DX said! i'm a html failure!)
(going crazy with the COMMing, I am...maybe I"m in an easily amused mood?)
In the Voting thread, on methods of picking 3 vs. 6 months (can you guess who favors which?:)
Gandalfe: There won't be any averaging involved, so vote your conscience. Which, if your conscience is any good, will be 3.
DavidS: Thank god I stuffed my conscience in a trunk months ago. Six months ago.
billytea: ...well, strictly I'll still just be voting '6', but I'll be doing so in a deep, Satanic voice, and be voting for "6, MORTAL!!" or something like that.
I remember hearing a funeral director's spiel about why embalming the "loved one" and putting the remains in a vacuum sealed, climate controlled vault in a memorial wall/mausoleum gave greater comfort to the family than seeing said remains placed into a less expensive casket and lowered into the cold, cold ground. Me, I would be somewhat more horrified by the idea of Granny spending eternity immured in some 1970's crap contemporary architecture. The whole setup was like the Cask of Amontillado with Muzak hymns and plushy carpeting.