Trudy: Could you grow a penis?
erikaj: Now, Trudy, I love my friends. Would do anything for them, but that's a little much. And I'm afraid you'd be disappointed anyway...I'm just thinking how long it took me to get my digital camera to work. A new body part's got to take at least that long to master, right?
BHP, in Natter:
Lunch. Now. Started saying was going to lunch now half an hour ago!
Arrgh. Must buy helping verbs. Also personal pronouns. Perhaps in feminine hygiene section?
Betsy, I can set you up with some copula verbs, cheap!
natter: copula verbs sound like fun
Java, the wonderland quote was me too.
Yes, I am tooting my own horn (or, as a friend of mine used to say, my own chicken). What's your point? It was only the setup for billytea anyway.
Conversation about Ouija boards, in Bitches:
Jilli: One of my friends uses them as serving trays, which I thought was kinda cute.
Anne W.: I'm afraid it would only be cute until a toast point with caviar and crumbled egg started spelling out Y-O-U-A-R-E-A-L-L-G-O-I-N-G-T-O-D-I-E-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A Goodbye!
billytea, in regards to Freak-Ass Churches and Top Gun (spoilery for Top Gun!)
A group of us are watching the movie over at someone's house (so obviously my FAC was a bit easier on the movie than yours), and the bit where their jet goes out of control and Goose breaks his neck ejecting comes up. And this guy says "He who lives by the sword will die by the sword". On the drive home I presented my position that accidental mechanical failure doesn't constitute a sword.