(Re: Wm. F. Buckley) Buckley hasn't been my secret boyfriend in about a decade. I still look
back fondly on those heady years, however, whenever I recall that I bought myself The
Capitalist Manifesto as a result of our pure, spiritual love.
I'm not sure I've forgiven him for leading me into the arms of Ayn Rand, but that part of my life
is over, and I suppose it's all water under the bridge. And I doubt he'd have wanted me in her
atheist clutches, but damn it, they had similar interests, and he wasn't always there for me.
Ah, my years as a teenaged Lib, before I realized people were too stupid for my version of
I'm far more disturbed by PMM flirting with Ayn Rand than WFB, all things considered.
Because that's like dating out of your phylum.
More of a cheap and intense affair, really. We went a little beyond flirting. I think we may have
knocked down a few buildings before I realized, when re-reading Tolstoy, that she was still evil
and I was just using her.
(with double COMM points for a joint Rand/Buffy allusion)
PMM on youthly indiscretions with Ayn Rand:
More of a cheap and intense affair, really. We went a little beyond flirting. I think we may have knocked down a few buildings before I realized, when re-reading Tolstoy, that she was still evil and I was just using her.
Context? Who needs context?
I hope there aren't enough people arguing for the right to sleep with more than one Irish wolfhound at a time that it requires formal debate by Church of Latter Day Saints leadership.
Matt the Bruins Fan in Natter
ted r, in Angel:
Cindy-don't be so shy! Your pov is as valid as any here.
(Well, except for mine of course.)
[Official notice-the above is intended as a JOKE. I recognize that those who disagree with me on something are not insane, small-minded, ignorant fools, who couldn't think their way out of a paper bag if their life depended on it.]
[An apology-the Official Notice may have given the misleading impression that its author really believes that those who have contrary points of view are loathesome spotted twits who deserve to be struck down by the Wrath of God, a God who bears a striking resemblance to the author. For which We apologize.]
[We apologize for the previous apology, which implied that the author of said apology believes He is the Almighty, and that anyone who does not bow down and grovel at His feet shall be cast into a burning lake of fire for all Eternity. This was an error. The Apology should actually read: I'm terribly sorry if I've offended anyone, and my opinions are not to be taken anymore seriously than you would that of anyone else who is strikingly handsome and very good in bed.]
And now to take my meds...
Hill R in Bitches:
This thing on VH-1 just referred to Tiffany and Debbie Gibson as "riding the sticky wave to success." In the few seconds before I figured out what they actually meant, I had an extreme "eww" reaction.
Elena on the relative length of porn vs. romance novels:
Yeah, but all of the throbbing manhoods take up more space.