I now own a Wombles videotape. I always thought of them as British Banana Splits. Of course, I had their LP already since I needed it for the book. Mike Batt did The Wombles music and wore a womble suit for an entire week to get into character.
The Wiggles are a regular presence on the Disney Channel now and Emmett likes them a lot. Their songs are pretty catchy, but the one without eyebrows is a little freaky looking.
Ah, videotape? They're much odder than the banana splits - they were early eco-warriors (and have given their name to one of the main #Reclaim The Streets crews) . You'll love them, David - and if you do, I recommend the equally brilliant Flumps.
I find it slightly disturbing that I now know the first names of all four Wiggles. This doesn't do much for my 'I know nothing about pop culture' street-cred. And doesn't exactly help me get 'I know about pop culture' credit either.
Am-Chau, I think you'll be ok, as long as you can't tell me which colour skivvy each Wiggle wears. If you know that, then I'm sorry, your street-cred card will have to be cut up.
t waves scissors in a vaguely menacing fashion, sure in the knowledge that I won't have to use them but admiring the shiny
I'm blaming Hec for my current Wombles earworm, by the way.
I think I'm out of danger as long as I remain ignorant of what a 'skivvy' is.
I don't wish to know that!
Er, no, in Australia a skivvy is a roll-necked tight-fitting warm cotton pullover, as worn by (a) the socially inept, and (b) The Wiggles. Min was
entertaining speculation on what covers The Wiggles' goolies. I just want to make that clear so her honour is intact!