Maybe we will. We're getting Jake 2.0, that was cancelled, right? If it airs at all it will probably air sporadically in a mutable late night time slot, like Pasadena or similar cancelled shows.
Should Have Known It Was Folly to get Addicted to Pasadena.
Yes -- Jake 2.0 was cancelled. . . I know that there were more episodes of that show aired in the USA than Wonderfalls.
Damn, just missed the fucking opening teaser of Angel ... because Channel 7 started it fucking early for a change!
How much do I hate Channel 7? With the passion of a million burning suns!
But, but didn't they give the world Home and Away?
Hah! They also gave the world
but then cancelled it, so Channel 10 took over and made it a "success". They created
Home and Away
to try and make up for it.
Two more fucking good reasons to cause Channel 7 execs extreme pain.
Speaking of extreme pain: no more Angel!
Loved, loved, loved the ending.
I loved it too...although (my Buffista card should be revoked for life for this) I actually thought there was one more episode, so I had to readjust everything slightly when I realised that nope, that was it.
Loved, loved, loved the ending.
Ah, so you folks finally got it? Totally agree on the loving it part. I think the NAFDA buffistas were generally very happy with it, but I'm memfaulting on whether there was an uproar with the fandom at large.
I thought the end of Angel was pretty much perfect.
As for H and A. Didn't Guy Pierce, Heath Ledger and Melissa WhatshernamethatsnowinAlias all appear in it? Not bad really. (This does not consitute a defense of H and A by the way).
Guy Pierce, at least, was on the vastly superior Neighbours.
And yeah, the end of Angel - and I was disappointed with scads of the last few episodes - was truly, truly wonderful.