Thanks everybody!
Benno decided to celebrate his birthday by not sleeping particularly much last night, and being pretty cranky today. And why ever not? He's
He loved his presents and cake, though. Proper party tomorrow.
You know, I can't believe it's two years either....
ita -- that's great news about Colin. . . now is that also the show with Macauley Culkin? Or is he on the other show about siblings reunited after a long time?
Happy belated birthday to Benno! Two is a big boy age.
The heatwave has finally broken.
/me does the dance of not-frying-in-his-own-flop-sweat-any-longer
Thank christie-poo I didn't get any valentines on Valentines Day. 44.3C is way too fucking hot to be anything remotely romantic.
Aussies--we're captioning a series called "Kath & Kim." It was a hit there, yes? A very unusual mixture of broad sketch comedy and very spot-on human moments.
The humour is definitely a lot broader than
The Office
but the cringe factor is on par. Funny as hell but hard to watch.
t /ex-Elizabeth lad
Evil jimi, bugger, me too, and insent to your profile address.
Received and in the midst of replying.
I caught the second episode and really enjoyed it and am definitely looking forward to the rest of the season.
Oh and Angel 4 is released March 10, with Buffy 7 a month later. *YAY again*
44.3! OK you win, the hottest we got was 42.? on a couple of days and it broke yesterday here.
Jimi, backsent with a new improved offer.
4.3! OK you win, the hottest we got was 42.? on a couple of days and it broke yesterday here.
Oh yeah! It was the hottest February day on record. The Sunday was only supposed to be 35 but it got up to was freaking 35 in my flat on the Saturday. Ugh!
t Back on Topic
Gunn's new hair growth definitely looks weird. I vote for the razor again.
I have to admit, i was a bit suss about the new direction the show was going to take after last season's finale but after watching the second episode, i have to admit that it looks like lot of fun and action will be had by all.
44.3 C = 112 F, in case any USanians are wondering. (39 C = 102 F). Hopefully at least this is a dry heat....
Question probably best suited for UnAmericans: Do you know if the guy that wrote "Wire In The Blood" created the term? Does it have a clear meaning?
I believe Val McDermid is a woman. I haven't read any of her books, but when I looked for info on them a while ago after watching the TV series I remember reading somewhere that the phrase "wire in the blood" comes from a T.S. Eliot poem. I don't know the context, though. Personally, the phrase makes me think of buzzing, restless energy. Or maybe the unnatural hidden in the natural.
Val indeed is a woman, I've now learnt. I hit her website, and the question's asked there by fans too, but no conclusive answer is given, and none at all by authority.