They had an Aussie sing "Take Me Out To the Ballgame! Then they played AC/DC. No kangaroos were invoked in the celebration of this very special moment.
This makes me happy. Not that I have anything against kangaroos, but a bit of variety doesn't hurt.
What AC/DC did they play?
What AC/DC did they play?
"She Shook Me All Night Long" - because, Australians = sexay. Plus mention of American thighs, so you had that cross-cultural thing going.
"She Shook Me All Night Long" - because, Australians = sexay. Plus mention of American thighs, so you had that cross-cultural thing going.
Excellent point. Gotta promote the cross-cultural thing.
t refrains from suggesting that 'American thighs' first calls to mind KFC
Have you seen the "Hurt" video? I downloaded it from Romanek's site and I still cry every time I see it.
Yes. Between his version of the song, and the video that accompanies it, Cash proves that Trent Reznor's understanding of pain is sunshine, puppy dogs, rainbows, and butterflies.
Hear, hear. Looked at the right way, Cash is a Goth with a bolo tie....
A Boy Named Sue Darkwing, Mistress of Nightsorrow
? has a listing for Firefly ... complete with a cover pic.
I've never used DVDBO but my mate has and reckons they're great. The price includes postage. The price works out to 48USD or 70AuD.
That's the most detail I've seen! Fantastic.
Why is he alone on the cover????