t /thinking in french
Sorry I couldn't find the stuff I was looking for. The names of the Roman generals are quite funny, but I don't get them in French so I'm guessing no-one else here will either...I could be wrong.
Edit: FayJay, hows your French?
No, Asterix only really works in a language you're fluent in. All my German friends love it, but complained that the English translations were really bad. Actually, the English translations are exceptionally good, but full of puns and word games, so they simply didn't get most of the humour.
Edit: FayJay, hows your French?
Abysmal. Beyond "Le singe est dans l'arbre" I'm pretty much toast.
Ah, vous ETES le President de Berundi.
Mais le souris et SUR le table.
Je suis femme at ne pas une souris.
Yes, that's about my level. (God bless Eddie Izzard and all who sail in him.) I took French to GCSE, so I've got sufficient lousy Franglais to make a reasonable stab at translating things, and I can hazard a guess at other Romance languages when in Italy/Romania/wherever, but in terms of grammar or extensive vocabulary - really no. My wee sister is the proper polyglot of the family.
You've got family in France, then? That's nice.
Yes. Eddie Izzard does a reasonable stand-up job in French.
Ah, vous ETES le President de Berundi
Mais je suis le President de la galaxy comme sela Nyah.
Edit:{because I CAN...}
Agus ta i an message board de dhe mo fear.
hmm, it appears Channel 7 may have heard the wailing and gnashing teeth. According to Ebroadcast.com.au, Adelaide/Melbourne/Perth are getting a repeat of Buffy (Once More With Feeling) and a repeat of Angel (the Ballet one) this week. Meanwhile, Sydney/Brisbane gets caught up to the rest of us with a new ep of Buffy but no ep of Angel.