Yes, that's about my level. (God bless Eddie Izzard and all who sail in him.) I took French to GCSE, so I've got sufficient lousy Franglais to make a reasonable stab at translating things, and I can hazard a guess at other Romance languages when in Italy/Romania/wherever, but in terms of grammar or extensive vocabulary - really no. My wee sister is the proper polyglot of the family.
You've got family in France, then? That's nice.
Yes. Eddie Izzard does a reasonable stand-up job in French.
Ah, vous ETES le President de Berundi
Mais je suis le President de la galaxy comme sela Nyah.
Edit:{because I CAN...}
Agus ta i an message board de dhe mo fear.
hmm, it appears Channel 7 may have heard the wailing and gnashing teeth. According to, Adelaide/Melbourne/Perth are getting a repeat of Buffy (Once More With Feeling) and a repeat of Angel (the Ballet one) this week. Meanwhile, Sydney/Brisbane gets caught up to the rest of us with a new ep of Buffy but no ep of Angel.
a repeat of Angel (the Ballet one)
Wow that one is HOT. Watching it in mu Mom's living room was seriously embarressing.
Owch. I take it y'all were expecting to get the next episode and now have to wait an extra week? Not great. Although nice filler eps, I guess.