"The people of Baghdad are in greater fear than they have ever known" I just had to shake my head. If they allow such hyperbolic tripe to hit their airwaves and website, I wonder exactly how much I can trust their objectivity.
You think their complete and utter anhialation is going to cheer them all up?
I remember how happy everyone felt after 9/11, we've just taken out their ENTIRE COUNTRY.
Yay for us.
Caroma, you really know how to butter up an audience, don't you?
Caroma, just how many of your in-person acquaintences opposed this war?
OK, OK. I had no idea people would take the story so seriously, I just thought it was a funny example of Iraqis and right-wing radio hosts converging, that's all. Sorry again. I'll leave now.
My mom. Most of the people at work. My pastor and some of the priests at my (very liberal) Catholic church. Almost all of the radio and TV outlets I go to regularly. The people here. Myself until I started to look at a variety of arguments from people like Elie Weisel and Tom Friedman. How about you and the opposite view?
Actually, a great many people in my life have not made their views known to me. There's been sort of a moratorium on discussing it among me and my friends. It's considered quite a gaffe to even bring it up in many circles in NYC, perhaps because of 9/11. And the people who do, on both sides, seem to want to talk only to people who already agree with them.
And Zoe, all I can say if that if we wanted to annihilate the country, you'd be seeing carnage on a scale that could be measured in the millions. Trust me. The measures the Coalition has taken to spare civilains have been incredible. Not foolproof, especially when dealing with an enemy that sees no problem with pushing women and children in front of them as they shoot, but amazingly effective.
Hee *Vader Vision* I ammuse myself :-P
Alarmed by Kyp's proposed aggression, Skywalker forbade preemptive strikes and retaliatory actions..., since such actions invariably lead to the dark side.
Which is the exact equivalent of black magic...see how I cunningly make it relevent?...and back to the light side = white magic.
see how I cunningly make it relevent?
Er... frankly, no.
Zoe? I'm trying to say this so it doesn't come out rudely, but: do you actually read the conversations in a thread before you post in it? Because lately it seems to me that you just toss things out there with no understanding of what's being discussed (I've noticed it both in this thread and in UnAmericans at WX), and I find it disruptive.
Yes. As a matter of fact I pretty much read every single post.
It is OK to have a different point of view, yes?
There's been sort of a moratorium on discussing it among me and my friends. It's considered quite a gaffe to even bring it up in many circles in NYC, perhaps because of 9/11. And the people who do, on both sides, seem to want to talk only to people who already agree with them.
I don't think this is just in NYC. I've noticed it everywhere. It's a heated subject, and it can into an argument. Often, it's just more comfortable to let it lie.
t edit: I mean in real life, not here.
It is OK to have a different point of view, yes?
Absolutely, and I never said it wasn't. It's just that you have a habit of posting things that are irrelevant to the conversation, which is frustrating in an in-depth conversation like the ones we seem to be having a lot of in this thread lately.