Thanks for the explanations.
Fried ice cream would be liked Baked Alaska.
For the longest time, I thought this had something to do with fish. No idea where I got that. Then someone mentioned ice cream, and I was rather grossed out. Finally got straightened out, but even now, the words "baked alaska" conjur up fish association first.
All correct on the deep fried ice-cream. Tip; bread the balls a few hours early and freeze with breading/crumbs on till real solid/hard. It's even nicer if you crumb with almond meal/ground almonds.
Kate P, Bendigo which is 140km NW of Melbourne.
Apple Jacks are a cereal that don't taste like apples or, presumably, that Kennedy boy who was president.
Although you'd be shocked to know that they have no artificial flavourings. It's all actually Apples.
I think the US version of the Mars Bar was just the nougat, caramel, and peanuts, i.e. a Snickers without the chocolate.
No. Up until about a month or two ago, when it was rebranded, it was nougat (white), caramel, and almonds wrapped in chocolate.
Perhaps I should now explain that I often skip lunch and just head to the vending machine around 2:30 or 3. So I track these things.
I've had Smarties, but I prefer M&Ms.
OK since I'm feeling too lazy to google, (and out of time too) can someone explain what Arbroath Smokie and Cloutie dumpling are?
And I cannot work up enthusiasim for deep fried candies either, though I admit, having grown up on Mexican food, to liking fried ice cream. (As they say - think Baked Alaska - only fried.)
On Canadian candy, 'Ouise brought us a couple when she visited Austin. I quite liked the Crunchies bar, but my wife preferred the other one (with the name I can't remember).
I miss being able to buy Milk Tray. Cadbury's tried selling it here, with a big ad campaign, pulled back, and now I can only find it in Brit shops.
I've had Smarties, but I prefer M&Ms.
To me this is Insane Troll Logic. But I respect your pro yucky yummy M&Ms stance. Whatever floats your boat.
(backs away slowly from the crazy person)
Arbroath Smokies are jolly nice smoked fishies. Mmmm.
Clootie Dumplings are dumplings of a very sturdy kind, studded with sultanas and raisins. They are also, surprisingly enough, a sure-fire way of meeting the pretty boyband totty of your choice .
Up until about a month or two ago, when it was rebranded
Augh! What happened to it????
When did hitchhiking become a felony
Who's crazy nanny brain thought that one up?