When did hitchhiking become a felony
Who's crazy nanny brain thought that one up?
Nothing in that article says anything about him being charged with a felony.
t ignoring Dana
You can't be accused of hitchiking, stupidity yes, but not hitchiking.
Up until about a month or two ago, when it was rebranded
Augh! What happened to it????
They're calling them Almond Snickers now.
I think it's more the fraudulant (which I seem to be unable to spell) behaviour that's the problem - the whole pretending-to-be-a-round-the-world-runner-and-using-this-as-a-pretext-for-getting-strangers-to-give-him-stuff deal. Not the hitchiking per se, but rather the lying and the deceiving people into supporting him.
Or at least, that was my interpretation.
In the US, it's illegal to hitchhike in quite a few states and you can indeed be picked up by the police for it.
Yes, it's illegal to hitchhike in some places. Dunno about Oz, but he was being all fraud-y. And loudly ignoring Dana when she's being calm, reasonable, and right? Kinda rude.
They're calling them Almond Snickers now.
OH! Ok. Well, that's fine then. :)
moonlit - from a gajillion posts ago, that's exactly the type of information I was looking for, but I think time and tide have taken the reason for asking far away from me. But thank you. I think I'm learning more just reading your posts than I ever have.