Yes, Cruchies are better and they used to have fantastically camp advertising too. Remember the ads where someone would take one bite of a Crunchie and suddenly a film of them doing something fun like rollerskating or disco dancing or windsurfing would be superimposed over the space where their t-shirt was? (The implication being that eating a Crunchie transports you mentally to your early 80s leisure activity of choice.)
Yeah, I remember those. (Always liked the ridiculously simple, but quite enthusiastic "CRUNCHIE!" vocalisation.) All I remember of violet crumble's advertising was them taking egregious liberties with Australian colonial history.
For those who feel up to a little Aussie humour,
Q. When does Saddam Hussein have his dinner
A. When Tariq Aziz
Q. Have you heard about the new Iraqi air force exercise program?
A. Each morning you raise your hands above your head, and leave them there.
Q. What's the five-day forecast for Baghdad?
A. Two days.
Q. What do Miss Muffet and Saddam Hussein have in common?
A. They both have Kurds in their way.
Q. What is the best Iraqi job?
A. Foreign ambassador.
Q. Did you hear that it is twice as easy to train Iraqi fighter pilots?
A. You only have to teach them to take off.
Q. What is the Iraqi air force motto?
A. I came, I saw, Iran.
Q. Why does the Iraqi navy have glass bottom boats?
A. So they can see their air force.
Q. How do you play Iraqi bingo?
A. B-52 ... F-16 ... B-2
Q. What is Iraq's national bird?
A. Duck.
Q. What do Saddam Hussein and General Custer have in common?
A. They both want to know where the hell those Tomahawks are coming from!
For sale on Ebay: French Army rifle - Never shot. Dropped once
"As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure." - Jacques Chirac,
"As far as France is concerned, you're right." - Rush Limbaugh
Billytea, Not sure if these will help with your homesickness!
So they don't
like violets?
Billytea, Not sure if these will help with your homesickness!
Hee. Not yet, but I've almost finished another study unit and then sweet oblivion will do wonders.
So they don't taste like violets?
Nah. Their packaging is predominantly violet. I don't think there's any more profound connection.
t Trudy throws up her hands in disgust
Chocolate-covered honeycomb?
By honeycomb do you mean sponge toffee? Because, then, yeah. Side note - I can make sponge toffee. It contains corn syrup and baking soda. And it's yummy.
Trudy throws up her hands in disgust
t waves hands in the air like I just don't care, which is not entirely misleading
Crunchie is better, but VC is easier to find. I like to suck on them, until they get all weird and gooey.
Of course, I also eat Big Turk willingly, so take all this with a grain of crack.
Of course, I also eat Big Turk willingly
t Super Porny Pants is pleased to hear this... but isn't sure if we needed to know the nickname for "little Paul"